Saturday, September 1, 2012

My First Ah Ha Moment

I've never had and epiphany before. Every realization I've ever had came over long periods of time. When I first learned about the law of attraction 4 years ago I didn't go wow this is amazing! I said hmm this sounds interesting, it'd be cool if it was real. I've always been interested in the idea that there's something spiritual out there helping us in our lives but at this point in my life I was really down and wasn't going to get my hopes up.

I spent the nest 3 years reading about and trying it out every once in a while with mixed results.

Then last year I watched a youtube video that gave me my first ah ha moment. It was Bob Proctor talking about paradigms. The idea is all of our habitual thinking and actions are controlled by our subconscious mind which has been collecting data since we were born creating our paradigms/habits. The only way to change our paradigms is through repetitively putting the right info in our heads and leaving out the bad.

Until then I have just been reading law of attraction/ success material every once in a while and very rarely applying anything I've learned into my life. It never occurred to me that my lack of consistency and commitment was the reason why I wasn't getting the results I wanted. So I started reading/ listening to the martial more often, which is a challenge sometimes because I get bored easily.

Now I'm going to try to consistently apply the things I learn to my life. I'm going to focus on one ( or two) books at a time and apply the exercises to my life and report back on what happens on this blog and my youtube channel. Right now I'm reading Psycho- Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz and    Seed Money The Law of Tenfold Return by Jon P. Speller       

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